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EBM Trommel Assembly
EBM Trommel Assembly 
24 Inch diameter by 25 feet long
EBM Trommel Assembly
Model Number 24S-5-HB-G-FF
Serial Number 88-1472
- Trommel drum is 24 inches in diameter x 25 feet long
- Five screen sizes
- Entire central auger and screen assembly rotates as one unit to move material across the screens and down the length of the trommel
- Motor control panel with variable frequency drive
- 480V 3Phz 60 Hz
- Large feed hopper
- Infeed auger conveyor
- 30 inch drum magnet
- Take away auger conveyors for each cut size
- Overs fall out the far end
Recently taken out of service in good operating condition
Augers and trommel are plug and play
Plug the system together and it operates as a unit
Screen sizes vary from 3/8” on down, but any size screens can be purchased from the manufacturer in Nebraska
Selling as-is where-is